Nurse Practitioners
- Advanced Nurse Practitioner Rebecca Waller (f)
Our wonderful Advance Nurse Practitioner Rebecca Waller can treat and prescribe (if needed) all Minor Illness. She works along side the Doctors and our Clinical Pharmacist. As well as being an Advanced Nurse Practitioner Mrs Rebecca Waller is also our Lead Nurse and Infection Control Lead.
- Nurse Sam Parish (f)
- Nurse Tammy Connolly (f)
Our highly qualified nurses deal with a range of conditions and health concerns. They provide care for patients with chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes, coronary heart disease, respiratory and hypertension, as well as offering support to our learning disability patients. They also provide other services such as frailty checks, wound care, childhood and NHS travel immunisations, new patient and carers health checks, minor operations, smear tests, blood pressure checks, ECGs and ear syringing. In addition they will visit patients at home in order to carry out specialist health assessments including frailty. Our nurses appointments are not available on line as each nurse has several areas of speciality. Please check with a member of the reception staff at the time of booking an appointment which nurse will be most suitable for your medical needs.
Healthcare Assistants
- HCA Cezar Pascari (m)